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POLARIS MISSILE FACILITY, ATLANTIC29 March 1960 - 05 January 1995 |
Website Addition - I have added a link to a downloadable and or printable version of the newsletter. It is located at the top of the website newsletter and under the title "POMFLANT Alumni Newsletter." It is in Acrobat format and will require the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Which can be downloaded from:
Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) - SSP now has a public website with all programmatic history and facts about SSP, the Fleet Ballistic Missile Program and current initiatives (Click Here).
1. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the update e-mail address ", pomflant1, pomflant2, or pomflant3@multiwebs.net."
2. Please verify that the following E-Mail addresses are in your allow list and not blocked by your E-Mail Program or Internet service provider: E-Mail 1, E-Mail 2,E-Mail 3, E-Mail 4, and E-Mail 5.
3. I would like all of your snail mail addresses, if you have not already sent them to me. This will allow us to keep in touch with you if your E-Mail address changes or has other problems. We do not release this information to anyone outside of this association. Thank you for your support.
LCDR Lester Moon, who lived just across the street from me at Huntington Woods (North Charleston), was Officer in Charge of the Missile Assembly Building at POMFLANT---for many years. I knew him well, he was "one of the good ones." He retired circa 1968 and was driving to his retreat property north of Charleston when he was killed in an automobile crash. I was told that he had wrongly turned left into oncoming traffic. It was a tragedy.
Other memories - When I first came to POMFLANT (Naval Weapons Annex) in 1960, Ensign Morrissy was in charge of the Guidance System Test and Calibration building. I remember 2 outstanding CPOs that were there, Chief Burley and Chief William Tucker. After I left POMFLANT in 1968, I was told that Bill Tucker had died of heart failure while sitting in a Charleston movie theater. Burley was a staunch and very astute leader; and Tucker was about as "salty" as they come. They were both great men. They liked me and I liked them. I had been an enlisted Navy technician (AT1) before going to college and was presently a Ready Reserve Naval officer. I was "one of them," so to speak.
At POMFLANT, I was a civilian GE engineer, assigned to work with (for) Burley to originally document test procedures for the power supply, servomechanisms and the computer of the Polaris guidance system.
They are not planning on a weekly breakfast anymore, maybe bi-monthly. I will let Ron know when so he can put out some e-mail to all.
For those members in the Puget Sound area: The Seattle area performance by the USNA Women's Glee Club for March 11th, which was announced at the last meeting, has been canceled as a result of the current uncertainty in the budget situation. Thank you, Bill Rothert CAPT, USN (Retired), President, Pacific Northwest Chapter, Naval Submarine League. On website only! Click Here!
Since POMFLANT I've worked at Draper Laboratory in Cambridge MA. I retired from there in 2005 and went to work for another outfit that ended up focusing on photovoltaic power generation. After a 3 year run at that (which followed 20 years of success at the previous business), the company went bankrupt last year, so we're all out looking for a job.
We're coming to the area for our semi-annual visit, and this time we have an added task, to do some college tours with our grandson, who has the Citadel on his list. Our oldest son lives in Summerville, and works as an instructor for Boeing employees - doing what he did in the Air Force until he retired a year and a half ago.
Anyhow, say hi to the folks for me. And keep in touch.
Nancy and I have stayed busy with our Homeowner's Association, it has been like a full-time job. We have 149 homeowners (like children at times) that all want to complain about something, but give you little support in taking care of them. Sometimes trying to make a difference and raising your hand to volunteer is DUMB! But the other side of the coin in being a Volunteer Deputy Sheriff is still enjoyable and hopefully makes a difference.
We didn't take our usual October cruise last year, but went in February this year instead. The weather cooperated and we stayed warm, but windy. We will go later this year in October and get back on track. We spent another Christmas in sunny Florida and enjoyed family and friends, had hamburgers/hot dogs and Secret Santa gifting. It was fun for all with many laughs and giggles.
Poe, Richard E-Mail: Click Here! |
Haka, Ed E-Mail: Click Here! |
Bruce, Richard E-Mail: Click Here! |
Martinez, Rafael E-Mail: Click Here! |
Crone, Stephen E-Mail: Click Here! |
Prestero, Mark E-Mail: Click Here! |
Herrick, Laura E-Mail: Click Here! |
Sontheimer, Rick E-Mail: Click Here! |
Medeiros, Gil E-Mail: Click Here! |
Weaver, Paul E-Mail: Click Here! |
Andrews, Andy E-Mail: Click Here! |
Hauge, Robert E. "Bob" E-Mail: Click Here! |
Since our last newsletter, I have received information that the following co-workers, co-workers family members and friends who have died: Hoyt M. Long, Lockheed. (Passed 01 January 2008) Ruth E. Greene, Civilian. (Passed 15 August 2011) Richard E. "Dick" Wilson, Lockheed. (Passed 08 February 2012) Robert J. "Bob" Wallace, Lockheed. (Passed 26 September 2012) Our Deepest Sympathy goes to those and their families who have lost their loved ones.
Please keep us informed of any news about our POMFLANT family. We welcome any and all inputs for upcoming newsletters. Any inputs can be sent to the below E-Mail address at anytime and will get into the latest newsletter. Without your input we have little to write about. Please keep Ron Thomas and John Maney up to date on your e-mail addresses and or your current snail mail address and telephone number changes.
Take Care,
Ron and Nancy