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POLARIS MISSILE FACILITY, ATLANTIC29 March 1960 - 05 January 1995 |
Website Addition - I have added a link to a downloadable and or printable version of the newsletter. It is located at the top of the website newsletter and under the title “POMFLANT Alumni Newsletter.” It is in Acrobat format and will require the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Which can be downloaded from:
Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) – SSP now has a public website with all programmatic history and facts about SSP, the Fleet Ballistic Missile Program and current initiatives (Click Here).
POMFLANT Patches – I have been receiving a lot of requests for patches. I originally purchased 100 patches for those interested and had a few left over. But over the years they have been sold to others in the Alumni. I have written Vanguard where I purchased the patches from and have not received any answers. I have written them again today. I will let you know what the outcome is. Thank you for your patience. For information on original order (Click Here).
1. Please verify that the following E-Mail addresses are in your allow list and not blocked by your E-Mail Program or Internet service provider: E-Mail 1 and E-Mail 2..
2. I would like all of your snail mail addresses, if you have not already sent them to me. This will allow us to keep in touch with you if your E-Mail address changes or has other problems. We do not release this information to anyone outside of this association. Thank you for your support.
3. For those members using their work E-Mail address from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin is rejecting E-mails from the mailing list, with an error message of “556 5.7.1 Message refused by Lockheed Martin due to content or security policy violation.” I will need another non-LMCO e-mail address or a snail mail address if you wish further updates from the POMFLANT Remembered Website. Please respond with your name an alternate E-Mail or Snail Mail address to Thunderer. I am sorry for this inconvenience.
4. AOL and CompuServe (cs.com) have now started blocking my mailing list as SPAM on some AOL and CompuServe accounts. For those AOL and CompuServe members please read item 1 above. Your names will be removed from the e-mail list. You may try contacting AOL customer service and see if they will unblock the e-mails from my domain. I am sorry for this inconvenience.
5. Comcast is now blocking the POMFLANT update e-mails as SPAM. Please resolve this issue with your provider or I will be forced to remove your address from the e-mail update lists. I might suggest that you get a Hotmail, Yahoo, or Gmail account for the newsletter and website update E-Mails.
We are both truly retired now, and stay very busy in our church, and in our hobbies. I am operating a small Photography/Framing business at home, and Libby des high tech sewing with two computerized machines. In spite of low water in our lakes, I'm learning where to fish and really get into that and hunting with the grandsons. I hope all is well with your family at this Christmas season, and we do look forward to joining in any future gatherings of the old POMFLANT gang.
Well, due to my surgery, and Barbara having back problems, our trip to Charleston has been delayed until late November or early December. So, we still plan on firing up the old motor home and heading that way. Hope to see some folks from the past. Hard to believe that I have been retired from the navy for 27 years. I never thought age 21 would get here, and then I turn around and “wham” there is age 65 sitting on your driver's license. Cheers to all, and all take care.
Shortly after adding this to the draft of the March 2008 Newsletter I received this E-Mail from Gary's son Gary Jr., informing me that my dear friend and shipmate had passed away on 27 October 2007.
“Hello, Thanks again for everything. It's been one day shy of two months now and I am still hurting. Wow never thought it would be like this. Anyway, I had a dream about Dad sending a last update to go on the News from members section of the POMFLANT newsletter. Below I have included a rough draft. Please feel free to edit this anyway you would like. I would like you to include it in your next newsletter.” Thanks Again.
Gary M. Trammell Jr.
Pro Rodeo Announcer & Moncks Corner Computers LLC
E-Mail: (Click Here)
Gary M. Trammell, Sr. LT (JG) USN Retired
Well, as of 27 October 2007 I have received new orders. Orders came Via NAVPERS HEAVEN, delivered by the Ultimate Commander and Chief himself. I was so excited that day. I was piped onboard on Saturday morning the 27th day of October 2007. Ding; ding Gary Mack Trammell arriving ding. Once reporting I was given no duty. I got to meet the First Plank Owner, Jesus. Wow all I can say is I can't wait to see the rest of my shipmates to report aboard. Boy, I sure am glad this is not a 3 month patrol but an eternal one! Oh, by the way, wearing the Navy whites prepared me for my eternal uniform so don't forget to keep yours pressed. Well, until I see you guys cross the quarter deck someday, I will say farewell. Remember, I have been assigned the best duty station ever so, don't cry for me. So long, see you soon.
Knowing Gary since 1970, I feel that this would have been his words. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Gary's family. Fair winds and following seas my dear friend.
I have been building a two story workshop and remodeling our kitchen which has been taking most of my time so as usual, I am late getting this newsletter out. Our youngest Grandson started college this fall at the University of North Florida. I guess we are starting to get old.
Our side business, Southeastern Synthetics, will continue to sponsor the website and the newsletter at no cost whatsoever to the Alumni Association. This includes the web, newsletter materials and any applicable postage costs.
Walter C. Reid E-Mail: Click Here! |
Carletta J. Smiley E-Mail: Click Here! |
James Ray E-Mail: Click Here! |
David Evans E-Mail: Click Here! |
Paul C. Godbout E-Mail: Click Here! |
Robert P. Allen E-Mail: Click Here! |
Jesse Quarrels E-Mail: Click Here! |
James T. Moore E-Mail: Click Here! |
Don Graham E-Mail: Click Here! |
Robert J. Wallace E-Mail: Click Here! |
Johnny D. Brown E-Mail: Click Here! |
Joyce Aveyard E-Mail: Click Here! |
Stan Vernon E-Mail: Click Here! |
Chuck F. VanHaelst E-Mail: Click Here! |
Jack Dean E-Mail: Click Here! |
Joel Singletary E-Mail: Click Here! |
Parker Morgan E-Mail: Click Here! |
Joel Tootill E-Mail: Click Here! |
Since our last newsletter, I have received information that the following co-workers, co-workers family members and friends have died: LT Leroy L. Hill (USN Retired) – Military, Passed 21 June 2007. LT (JG) Gary M. Trammell, Sr. (USN Retired) – Military, Passed 27 October 2007. Joseph F. Darby – Lockheed, Passed 24 December 2007. Philip C. Rogerson – Lockheed, Passed 29 January 2008. Rachel D. Fitzgerald (Paul Fitzgerald's wife) – Civilian, Passed 24 February 2008. Our Deepest Sympathy goes to those and their families who have lost their loved ones.
Please keep us informed of any news about our POMFLANT family. We welcome any and all inputs for upcoming newsletters. Any inputs can be sent to the below E-Mail address at anytime and will get into the latest newsletter. Without your input we have little to write about. Please keep Ron Thomas and John Maney up to date on your e-mail addresses and or your current snail mail address and telephone number changes.
Take Care,
Ron and Nancy