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POLARIS MISSILE FACILITY, ATLANTIC29 March 1960 - 05 January 1995 |
Website Addition - I have added a link to a downloadable and or printable version of the newsletter. It is located at the top of the website newsletter and under the title “POMFLANT Alumni Newsletter.” It is in Acrobat format and will require the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Which can be downloaded from:
1. Please verify that the following E-Mail addresses are in your allow list and not blocked by your E-Mail Program or Internet service provider: E-Mail 1, E-Mail 2, and E-Mail 3.
2. I would like all of your snail mail addresses, if you have not already sent them to me. This will allow us to keep in touch with you if your E-Mail address changes or has other problems. We do not release this information to anyone outside of this association. Thank you for your support.
3. For those members using their work E-Mail address from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin is rejecting E-mails from the mailing list, with an error message of “556 5.7.1 Message refused by Lockheed Martin due to content or security policy violation.” I will need another non-LMCO e-mail address or a snail mail address if you wish further updates from the POMFLANT Remembered Website. Please respond with your name an alternate E-Mail or Snail Mail address to Thunderer. I am sorry for this inconvenience.
4. AOL and CompuServe (cs.com) have now started blocking my mailing list as SPAM on some AOL and CompuServe accounts. For those AOL and CompuServe members please read item 1 above. Your names will be removed from the e-mail list. You may try contacting AOL customer service and see if they will unblock the e-mails from my domain. I am sorry for this inconvenience.
5. Comcast is now blocking the POMFLANT update e-mails as SPAM. Please resolve this issue with your provider or I will be forced to remove your address from the e-mail update lists. I might suggest that you get a Hotmail, Yahoo, or Gmail account for the newsletter and website update E-Mails.
Great newsletter, keep up the good work and my wife and I are so sorry to hear about your grandchild. Keep positive.
I have been doing a lot of fishing, unfortunately not a lot of catching. I am concentrating on salt water for now, and I have a lot to learn. John Fortune has gone out with me a couple of time to give me lessons. He still catches most of the fish.
Barbara and I returned from a 12-day sea/land cruise/tour to Alaska. We embarked on the Sapphire Princess in Vancouver, Canada on June 30th and had stops in Ketchikan, Juneau, and Skagway. Took several land tours in each of the stops and we disembarked in Whittier, Alaska on July 7th and were placed on the Denali Express Train to Denali National Park. That was a 10-hour train ride to our Denali Wilderness Lodge where we spent two nights. We got to see Mt. McKinley and the beautiful Denali National Park. That included seeing three grizzle bears, many bald eagles, Dahl sheep, and beautiful mountains. We were taken by motor coach from Denali to Fairbanks where we spent two nights. On the way to Fairbanks we encountered a huge cow moose just a few miles from our Denali Wilderness Lodge on the way to Fairbanks. I had never really realized how big these animals were until I got to see one up close. We played a round of golf while in Fairbanks. We finished playing at 10:45 P.M. and it was still plenty of day light left that we could have played another 9 holes without any problems. As a matter-of-fact, the golf course takes tee-times for 18 holes as late as 10:00 P.M. It is pretty amazing when you have over 22 hours of day light. All-in-all it was a great vacation, and I would recommend it to anyone. The entire trip went like clock work with only one minor blip. On the return trip we flew from Fairbanks to Seattle, changed planes and flew to Denver. Was suppose to have only 1-1/2 hour lay over in Denver, but the plane that was to take us on to D/FW came in with it's radar on the blink. So we sat at DIA from about 5:30 P.M. to midnight before the airline finally decided to find us another plane to take us to D/FW. We finally got home about 3:30 A.M. the next morning. That made for a long 26 hour day. Like I said, it was a great trip, but let me also say that there are some areas in Colorado, Montana and other states that are just as pretty as Alaska.
Our next trip will be to Charleston, SC in early October, we will be visiting my sons. One lives in Moncks Corner and my other one in Florence. Maybe I'll get to see some ole acquaintances while I am in the Charleston area. My oldest son, Gary, produces and announces a rodeo during the 2nd weekend in October. This will be his 4th year producing a rodeo in Moncks Corner and it has be a sellout both nights each year. He does a really great job, very professional. He goes all around the east coast announcing rodeos. He is also a computer geek. He owns a computer store on Main Street in Moncks Corner. His web site is Click Here. Please check it out.
I was fortunate enough in the last several years to spend a good bit of time with Dad. There was never a visit that he did not fill me in on all the news from the Wednesday morning POMFLANT breakfast. I believe he attended it as faithfully as he attended POMLANT. He always encouraged me to go with him and come up for the annual gatherings. I have attended on several occasions and always enjoy the fellowship. I hope to see you all there in September while I am visiting Mom. I will be there more often now as Dad was a procrastinator and collector of fine things. I don't know perhaps that was his way of ensuring I would spend a proper amount of time with Mom.
Off to brighter subjects! It is hard to believe that the last of us left POMFLANT as we knew it 15 years ago next month. I have been here at the Eastern Range now almost 8 years. Mom is doing well and has already spent some time here with us in Florida. We just bought a new home in Cocoa. We miss the beach but the Tax and Insurance folks finally ran us out. It's all right though because we have much more space. The bride has her sewing / craft room, I a two car garage and covered boat parking. We pass occasionally in the breakfast nook or the large screened living room. A few notes for those of you who knew us best. Laura with her solider at Fort Hood, TX, turns 30 in November. She has to quit having birthdays. I'm beginning to feel old. She doesn't hide the fact since she gave us our first four grand children. Travis is on his second enlistment in the Air Force with a charming bride at Nellis AFB Las Vegas. Robbie is still living in Idaho and just had his second child last week. Is anyone here counting grand children? On Sheila's side David is living in Colorado Springs and going to school. Amanda is in Vancouver Washington. The youngest of the Grandchildren graduates in January with a BA in education. She plans to teach High School history. I have got a little long winded here. I hope to see some of you soon in Charleston, until then may you meet only "Fair Winds and Following Seas!”
I have been building a two story workshop and remodeling our kitchen which has been taking most of my time so as usual, I am late getting this newsletter out. Our youngest Grandson started college this fall at the University of North Florida. I guess we are starting to get old.
Our side business, Southeastern Synthetics, will continue to sponsor the website and the newsletter at no cost whatsoever to the Alumni Association. This includes the web, newsletter materials and any applicable postage costs.
R. G. Grabowski E-Mail: Click Here! |
Debbie McCay E-Mail: Click Here! |
Jay Pastor E-Mail: Click Here! |
William G. (Bill) Gaither, Jr. E-Mail: Click Here! |
Ernest Fuller E-Mail: Click Here! |
Edward Soley E-Mail: Click Here! |
Donnie Katherman E-Mail: Click Here! |
John D. Thompson E-Mail: Click Here! |
Linda Reh E-Mail: Click Here! |
Tina Barthelemy E-Mail: Click Here! |
John Enright E-Mail: Click Here! |
Beverly Johnson E-Mail: Click Here! |
Paul Crawford E-Mail: Click Here! |
Alysia Lucas E-Mail: Click Here! |
M. D. (Pete) Carter E-Mail: Click Here! |
Brenda & Henry Nix E-Mail: Click Here! |
Don Cantin E-Mail: Click Here! |
Greg Zonner E-Mail: Click Here! |
William G. (Bill) Gaither, Jr. E-Mail: Click Here! |
Michael J. Riojas E-Mail: Click Here! |
Gary R. Heitmann E-Mail: Click Here! |
Robert Minichino E-Mail: Click Here! |
Paul Weaver E-Mail: Click Here! |
Since our last newsletter, I have received information that the following co-workers, co-workers family members and friends have died: John S. Carter – Civilian, Passed 21 March 1990. Tony J. Davis - Unknown, Passed Fall 2006. Ronald L. Glover – Civilian, Passed 23 January 2007. Charles A. Blaich – Civilian, Passed 22 March 2007. Donald R. Coffman – Civilian, Passed 26 March 2007. Maurice L. Kelsey – Civilian, Passed 23 May 2007. LCDR Alfred James Billings (USN Retired) – Military, Passed 07 June 2007. Ann Huxford Guerry – Lockheed, Passed 04 August 2007. Our Deepest Sympathy goes to those and their families who have lost their loved ones.
Please keep us informed of any news about our POMFLANT family. We welcome any and all inputs for upcoming newsletters. Any inputs can be sent to the below E-Mail address at anytime and will get into the latest newsletter. Without your input we have little to write about. Please keep Ron Thomas and John Maney up to date on your e-mail addresses and or your current snail mail address and telephone number changes.
Take Care,
Ron and Nancy