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POLARIS MISSILE FACILITY, ATLANTIC29 March 1960 - 05 January 1995 |
Website Addition - I have added a link to a downloadable and or printable version of the newsletter. It is located at the top of the website newsletter and under the title "POMFLANT Alumni Newsletter." It is in Acrobat format and will require the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Which can be downloaded from:
Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) - SSP now has a public website with all programmatic history and facts about SSP, the Fleet Ballistic Missile Program and current initiatives (Click Here).
1. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the update e-mail address ", pomflant1, pomflant2, or pomflant3@multiwebs.net."
2. Please verify that the following E-Mail addresses are in your allow list and not blocked by your E-Mail Program or Internet service provider: E-Mail 1, E-Mail 2,E-Mail 3, E-Mail 4, and E-Mail 5.
3. I would like all of your snail mail addresses, if you have not already sent them to me. This will allow us to keep in touch with you if your E-Mail address changes or has other problems. We do not release this information to anyone outside of this association. Thank you for your support.
Later, back at POMFLANT, I worked in the inner high-security compound. I wrote procedures for testing and trouble-shooting the individual subunits of the guidance system (computer, power units, and the servomechanisms). Then I was assigned as Training Engineer, teaching facility personnel the testing and calibration methods for the overall guidance system. Eventually, I was designated as Guidance System Specialist, working in the GEOS Engineering Section at ESB, the Engineering Services Building. I wrote secret missile accuracy reports and reliability reports for the Director of the Special Projects Office in Washington DC (Admiral William Raborn); and I conducted special investigations of issues and problems associated with the guidance system, its calibration consoles, and associated equipment on the submarines. I later became Engineering Supervisor for GEOS at ESB; in this job I was responsible to supervise others who were then taking over my previous responsibilities. Additionally, I was responsible for interfacing with the missile prime contractor and the facility Chief Engineer; I took part in the design of any facility construction associated with later versions of the guidance systems of the missile triad.
One of the stories that I much later wrote for my children had to do with this Polaris/Poseidon/Trident ICBM triad. Since each of you played an integral part in POMFLANT operations, you may be interested in this triad story that I wrote. If so, send me a request by E-Mail, and I will send the story to you.
After I eventually left POMFLANT, I worked as a civilian consultant to NASA HQ managers on issues having to do with Apollo spacecraft Guidance and Navigation Systems. You can also have that story if you wish, Apollo was a great adventure.
As you can see, I also had a Navy career, another very exciting adventure. Charlie Wright, Captain USN (Retired) Naval Air Systems Command HQ.
Charles Snoddy E-Mail: Click Here! |
Bill O'Connor E-Mail: Click Here! |
James T. “Tom” Parrish E-Mail: Click Here! |
Carol Evanoff E-Mail: Click Here! |
Gordon Pierce E-Mail: Click Here! |
Jerry E. Beckley E-Mail: Click Here! |
Since our last newsletter, I have received information that the following co-workers, co-workers family members and friends who have died: Elizabeth "BeBe" F. Butrym – Civilian, Passed 14 March 2013 (CAPT S. Bruce Butrym's Wife)
Richard "Dicky" H. Laidlaw, Civilian. (Passed 26 Jul 2015)
Robert M. Mercer, AeroJet General. (Passed 18 Aug 2015)
Curtis F. "Scoop" Jenkins, Jr., Lockheed. (Passed 07 Sep 2015)
Dorothy P. Richardson, Civilian, Passed 15 November 2015
James F. Criddle, Sr., Civilian/Lockheed. (Passed 17 Nov 2015)
Katherine "Susie" B. Brown, Civilian. (Passed 31 Dec 2015)
Duane V. Mitton, Lockheed. (Passed 11 Feb 2016)
Harold E. "King Reb" Denton, Civilian. (Passed 16 Mar 2016)
Robert J. Marangelli, Civilian. (Passed 16 Mar 2016)
Doris Peak (Pelligrini), Civilian. (Passed Date Unknown)
Our Deepest Sympathy goes to those and their families who have lost their loved ones.
Please keep us informed of any news about our POMFLANT family. We welcome any and all inputs for upcoming newsletters. Any inputs can be sent to the below E-Mail address at anytime and will get into the latest newsletter. Without your input we have little to write about. Please keep Ron Thomas and John Maney up to date on your e-mail addresses and or your current snail mail address and telephone number changes.
Take Care,
Ron and Nancy