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POLARIS MISSILE FACILITY, ATLANTIC29 March 1960 - 05 January 1995 |
He was very personable, and he was a firm, excellent manager. The smooth operation of the base depended on his thorough quality control methods and directives, methodically organized in a quality control handbook. He was a mentor to many. His sense of humor provided a needed flair to his highly-formal oversight position. His attention and expertise prevented chaos and contributed markedly to the success of POMFLANT and to our cold-war initiatives.
I knew him for many years. My office was next door to his in the engineering building. He was a close, treasured friend and a trusted ally. I wish I could have lived geographically closer to him in his later years.
A few months ago, I wrote him a letter, expressing my thorough appreciation for his contributions to this country and for his special help to me personally. I was sorry to hear of his recent death. I am sure that his wife Ruth will greatly miss his companionship.
Well, I had my follow-up doctor's appointment today. Not much more than what I told you last Friday after the catheterization. I have one fully blocked artery but my heart is still getting enough oxygen rich blood. No need for either a balloon or stint treatment. The main artery bypass performed back in April 1994 is still doing its job. So he is going to continue to treat my condition with meds. He gave me a new prescription to add to my growing lists of meds to take. Plus he gave me the same routine, loose weight, exercise, and keeps my blood sugar and cholesterol down. That is about it. I feel fine, and he told me to go back to my normal activities.
During 2004, we were able to take a couple of great trips with Carolina Tours out of Lexington, SC, with a pickup point in Summerville. We did a fourteen day cruise/land tour to Alaska, with a highlight being a dog sled ride. Just before Christmas we took a six day motor coach tour to New York City where we saw three shows, plus many more sights.
We continue to get together with some of the POMFLANT group at 0900 on Wednesday, at Perkins Restaurant, Ashley Phosphate and Rivers Avenue. Most of the "regulars" that attend are: Maurice and Peggy Kelsey, Sam and Vivian Bass, Leon Mayes, Howard Brutsch, John Fortune, Nolan Haye, George Dale, Otis Harris, and anyone else who may drop by. Come join us if you can on Wednesday mornings.
I have never bought and sold a home so this was a major experience for me. A new chapter in my life.
I will live here until February 24th and then the movers come. Until then I will be moving over some stuff each day. A contractor will be converting the screen porch to a sunroom and adding some shelving and finishing the storage area somewhat.
My house went on the market around the holidays and I really thought I would have a hard time selling but the second person that looked at it bought. It was sold "by owner" with a lot of help from my niece, who just happens to be in real estate sales. Will keep you posted.
Subsequently I remembered that one of the directories I had thrown away was a 1982 POMFLANT Organizational Roster. I dug it out of the trash & have it here on my desk. I am willing to mail it to you or to anyone else that you think might like it. If you want it drop me an address in return e-mail & I'll mail it off. Also, do you still meet each Wednesday AM at Shoney's on Ashley Phosphate? Jean & I visit Charleston 3-4 times a year & I'd like to drop in if possible. The next time we are scheduled to be there is in May for my niece's graduation from the C of C. Possibly we could drop in if you still meet.
(06 March 2005) I talked with one of her sons again today. Barbara has been moved to another hospital. She is now eating somewhat regular food. Her infection and pneumonia are gone. Assistance is given to her with moving arms/legs. Not walking as her strength is down. Talking is through a valve in her throat. Overall she is moving up a long steep hill. Someone in her family is with her during the day and on the weekend. I was able to locate in Charleston a hospital in this same group. It is on Calhoun St. Her family is investigating moving Barbara there. She is currently in: Kindred Healthcare, 3030 6th Street, St. Petersburg, FL 33705, Phone: (727) 894-8719.
(14 March 2005) We receive calls from her sons frequently. Barbara has been transferred to a second hospital. The latest is very good news. She is eating solid foods and all the tubes etc., except for oxygen clip to her nose have been removed. She was recently able to shower on her own. They expect to be able to release her in about a week.
(15 March 2005) Just returned from visiting Barbara. She is talking, eating regular food (hospital of course) and sits in a wheel chair to eat. She is receiving therapy for her limbs. She expects to be able to be transferred to Charleston in a week. She really has progressed since we last visited. Walked 150 feet yesterday with a walker and is proud of that.
Do you know what SSP HERO is, or what's happening in SSP HERO?
SSP HERO (Historical, Educational, and Recognition Organization) was formed in the spring of 2000 to support the celebration of Strategic Systems Programs' 45th Anniversary. Since then, it's been evolving to support SSP through programs that educate people about the contributions SSP has made to the United States, to recognize achievements by individuals and groups that have worked on its programs, and to keep the history of Strategic Systems Programs from fading into obscurity.
Non-Profit Organization - Since inception, HERO's Board of Directors (BOD) has been very proactive in regrouping, reorganizing, and revitalizing the organization and to ensure HERO meets the requirements of a non-profit (501(c)(3)) charity recognized by the IRS and incorporated in the District of Columbia.
The Board of Director's of SSP HERO | |
PRESIDENT | Vice Admiral (USN Retired) Ken Malley |
VICE-PRESIDENT | Joe DiPietrantonio (IEC Retired) |
SECRETARY | Captain Pete Boyne (USN Retired) |
TREASURER | Galen Gunderson (LMSS) |
PROGRAM COORDINATOR | Betty Lou Gantzler |
SSP's Official Liaison - Since Strategic Systems Programs maintains an interest in SSP HERO in that all of SSP HERO's programs may reflect on SSP, the DIRSSP has appointed an official liaison that attends all SSP HERO BOD meetings and reports any significant events or undertakings back to SSP directors. Susan Underwood (SP 2002) and Ginger Phillips (SP 2011) are the liaison team to the organization. They may be contacted at (202) 764-1557 and (202)-764-1551 respectively, regarding any questions pertaining to SSP HERO.
Membership - Membership in SSP HERO is automatic. Anyone that does any work connected to the Navy's Strategic Systems Programs becomes a life-time member of HERO. That includes all military (on land or sea), all civilian government, and all civilian industry partners - and the best part is that there is never any membership dues.
Volunteer Participation - Because of government ethics rules, neither the military or the government civilian employees of SSP may hold positions of responsibility in the HERO organization, nor may they use their positions in the government to influence anyone regarding SSP HERO. However, all members may volunteer to work for the organization on their off-duty time.
Industry Partners - SSP HERO briefed SSP's industry partners about the organization's progress, on developments that transpired since the SSP 45th Anniversary Dinner; and in what direction HERO is headed. All industry partners were encouraged to identify a representative for their organization who would act as the point of contact for HERO information. SSP's industry partners were also asked to offer suggestions of how HERO could meet its mission to support the Strategic Systems Programs in all aspects of Historical, Educational, and Recognition efforts.
Past Achievements - SSP HERO has supported SSP's 45th Anniversary Dinner; several "Take your Children to work Days", SWFPAC's D-5 Activation Celebration, official recognition of award recipients in both government and industry, and educational trips by school children.
Future initiatives of SSP HERO:
1. SSP HERO Web Page (in process).
2. Charitable contributions from both individuals and organizations.
3. The creation of a current mailing list of corporate and government retirees
(We really need help with this one – E-Mail at Betty Lou Gantzler if you know of folks that would like to be included on a list for future mailings/invitations from HERO).
4. Spreading the word about SSP HERO.
5. Getting the information out for –
TMCM(SS/SW/DV) Thomas S. Beach E-Mail: Click Here! |
GMT2/1 Jim Hunt E-Mail: Click Here! |
Bob Langley E-Mail: Click Here! |
MT2 Kal Kunkel E-Mail: Click Here! |
MT Gary Elgin E-Mail: Click Here! |
GMTCS(SW) Edward A. Daniels E-Mail: Click Here! |
Kevin Craft, Lockheed E-Mail: Click Here! |
Chris O'Steen, Lockheed E-Mail: Click Here! |
Mike McDonough E-Mail: Click Here! |
TM2/1(SS) David Slone E-Mail: Click Here! |
Martha Turner E-Mail: Click Here! |
Terry Child E-Mail: Click Here! |
John and Anne Spear E-Mail: Click Here! |
Ed and Jackie Flowers E-Mail: Click Here! |
Stan Vernon E-Mail: Click Here! |
Charles Giet E-Mail: Click Here! |
Margie Brown E-Mail: Click Here! |
Charles E. "Red" Chamberlain E-Mail: Click Here! |
Connie Hill E-Mail: Click Here! |
Audrey Rasque E-Mail: Click Here! |
Jerry Hitchcock E-Mail: Click Here! |
Evelyn Earhart E-Mail: Click Here! |
Jerry M Brittsan E-Mail: Click Here! |
David Swarner E-Mail: Click Here! |
Jim and Rosalie Lawrence E-Mail: Click Here! |
Robert Hauge E-Mail: Click Here! |
Beverly Johnson E-Mail: Click Here! |
Hugh Cannon E-Mail: Click Here! |
Charles J. T. Wilson E-Mail: Click Here! |
Angela M. Williams E-Mail: Click Here! |
Jim Griggs E-Mail: Click Here! |
Vickie Hitchcock E-Mail: Click Here! |
Arrants, Christine E-Mail: carrants@awod.com |
Baker, Paula K. E-Mail: paula.baker@charleston.af.mil |
Banks, Dick E-Mail: bdbanks@coastalnet.com |
Bartee, Jimmie E-Mail: jimmie.bartee@cnet.navy.mil |
Bennett, Warren R. E-Mail: wbennett@camcomp.com |
Cantin, Don E-Mail: dksccantin@net-magic.net |
Carter, M. D. (Pete) E-Mail: petecca@juno.com |
Czulewiczi, Tom E-Mail: cdrusnre@cs.com |
Davis, Kenny E-Mail: kennybrenda@msn.com |
Dean, Jack E-Mail: jdean25272@cs.com |
Dixon, Cindy E-Mail: cindix3910@aol.com |
Dixon, Mark E-Mail: wt2dix@aol.com |
Dukes, Scott A. E-Mail: ssn686@aol.com |
Eschenberg, Jack R E-Mail: jack.r.eschenberg@lmco.com |
Fewox, Hiram E-Mail: hiram.fewox@lmco.com |
Flores, Napoleon E-Mail: napflore@bellsouth.net |
Fox, Jerry E-Mail: sumfox@nations.net |
Gunter, M. Winfield E-Mail: mwgunter@bellsouth.net |
Steven Hahn E-Mail: Hahner1@aol.com |
Hammond, Jack E-Mail: jhamm1st@aol.com |
Harder, Harold (Fred) E-Mail: I_m_stretch@msn.com |
Otis Harris E-Mail: harrisotis@aol.com |
Herring, Mark W. E-Mail: markwayneherring@aol.com |
Hershey, Tim E-Mail: thershey@hotmail.com |
Holleman, Joseph T. E-Mail: holleman46@msn.com |
Johnson, Sharon L. E-Mail: geneboy1@home.com |
Juneau Gokey, Carolyn E-Mail: juneau_carolyn@nwschs.navy.mil |
Kennedy, Larry E-Mail: lkennedy@awod.com |
Kennedy, Sean E-Mail: sean@chumbrella.com |
Lawson, Bobby E-Mail: blawson@emeraldis.com |
Lowery, James E-Mail: slowery@naxs.net |
Marangelli, Robert E-Mail: rmarangelli@comcast.net |
McCandless, Mark E-Mail: shanny123@email.msn.com |
McCutchen, Don E-Mail: barbimmc@ctaz.com |
Miller, Lew E-Mail: Warbucks17@aol.com |
Moore, James T. E-Mail: j.t.moore@mindspring.com |
Morgan, Parker E-Mail: morgan@shtc.net |
Morsi, Farouk S. E-Mail: pammorsi1@aol.com |
Myers, Sylvia E-Mail: bogood2be@home.com |
Nelson, Sandy E-Mail: tvn51@aol.com |
Owing, Roland N. E-Mail: roland.n.owings@lmco.com |
Ozment, Ronnie L. E-Mail: ronnielozment@wmconnect.com |
Pierce, Gordon E-Mail: elmoscafeo@wowway.com |
Privett, Jerry E. E-Mail: lpdavis@intrstar.net |
Riddleburger, Bill E-Mail: rteam@bellsouth.net |
Sessions, Vince E-Mail: vinny1@coollink.net |
Sikes (Cash), Helen E-Mail: helen143cash@yahoo.com |
Stein, James E. E-Mail: bampa122@aol.com |
Stephens, Chuck E-Mail: cstephen@gateway.net |
Thomas, Marilyn E-Mail: mandnrol@attbi.com |
Tootill, Joel E-Mail: Joel.Tootill@ps.net |
Vroman, Chuck A. E-Mail: vromanca@aol.com |
Watters, Jonathan E-Mail: jonwatt@juno.com |
White, Jack E-Mail: jdzabz@aol.com |
Grady Woodard E-Mail: gwoodardsc@aol.com |
Wooldridge, Lawrence E-Mail: oldriv5@aol.com |
Greg Zonner E-Mail: zonner632@direcway.com |
Sherry Dixon E-Mail: sherrysdixon@aol.com |
Jim Stowe E-Mail: jrstowe@knology.net |
William Ward E-Mail: wward@dycon.com |
Joe Sako E-Mail: joesako@inet-east.com |
Since our last newsletter, I have received information that the following co-workers, co-workers family members and friends have died: Dominic L. Haman - Civilian, passed 25 May 2001. CDR Oscar H. Schmidt - USN Retired - Military, passed 16 August 2003. Edward D. Biggerstaff, Jr. - Civilian, passed 13 November 2004. Wilbur Nordlof - Civilian, passed 28 January 2005. Please keep us informed of any news about our POMFLANT family. Please keep Ron Thomas and John Maney up to date on your e-mail addresses and or your current snail mail address and telephone number changes.
Please send us information for the next Newsletter. Without your input we have little to write about. Take Care,
Ron and Nancy